Poveglia Island

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Poveglia Island is a tiny island in Italy. This island has a very dark history. Poveglia island was used as a dumping ground for plague victims when black plague was spreading thru the Europe. Terrified of the black death (Plague) the officials of Venice tried to isolate anyone that had the black plague by sending […]

Baby with 2 faces

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

An Indian baby that was born with 2 faces or so called baby with 2 faces has craniofacial duplication but the Baby is doing well one month after her birth. Lali was born with two noses, two pairs of lips and two pairs of eyes – but she only has two ears. Her proud parents […]

Victoria Lindsay

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Victoria Lindsay is a cheerleader who took a nasty beating from her friends, just to make this YouTube video. You can view the victoria lindsay video here and see victoria lindsay photos. Her injuries include a concussion, lacerations, loss of hearing and blurry vision. She did not recovered completely in the local hospital. She took […]

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