Moscow has the world’s greatest number of Billionaires! What??

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Talking about where are the most Billionaires in a city, people think its probably New York or London, but the city with the most Billionaires is Moscow!!! Moscow has 74 billionaires as of the 1st of May 2008. What’s amazing is that the average worth of these 74 billionaires is 6 billion US dollars!! Now […]

Presidental Election vote results polls

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Everyone’s going to be talking about pretty much one thing all day today the presidental election vote results. So lets see where to find the presidental election vote results and early voting exit polls 2008. A good resource for voting results and early voting exit polls 2008 is, they’re the company that is famous […]

Saddam Husseins luxury yacht

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

So lets take a look at the buzz of the Saddam Husseins Luxury Yacht!!! Iraq has decided to sell Saddam Hussein’s luxury yacht after winning a legal battle over its ownership   The yacht was built for Saddam Hussein by Danish engineers. The vessel was complete in 1981. Outwardly, it does not look so modern […]

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