The strangest and odd looking internet cafes around the world

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Sometimes, internet cafes are as fascinating as the monuments or sculptures you see on your travels. Internet Cafes used to be just a place where you really can just browse the Internet and grab a nice cup of coffee, but competition being what it is, some Internet cafes are offering something more than a cup […]

How would ads look if they would be honest

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Now lets see how would ads really look like if they would be 100% honest. Lots of interesting and funny photos here hehe introducing the new heart stopper whopper       This is how it should be marketed so children can see what is going to happen. (I eat these… )     wether […]

Paul NewMan Dead

Saturday, September 27th, 2008

The Paulnewman is dead: I have some sad, sad, heartbreaking news. Hollywood legend, humanitarian and possibly one of the hottest men to walk the face of this earth, Paul Newman, passed away yesterday at the age of 83 at his home in Westpore. Newman attained stardom in the 1950s and never lost the movie-star aura, […]

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