Amazing One Dollar Art

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

We have already seen some one dollar art but this guy called Scott Campbell is just doing amazing carved money art!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

The Second World War Bunker

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

This bunker is located deep in the the mountains in Russia. It used to be a great firing position but now its just collecting dust!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

The most famous and popular youtube videos sketched

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Two artists Admir Jahic & Comenius Roethlisberger redraw the most famous and popular YouTube videos with colored pencils or lets sey they sketched them. If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

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