Very Amazing Rock Balance Art

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Bill Dan from San Francisco has been balancing rocks since 1994 and he does have very crazy and mad skills. It may look easy but once you try it, you’ll find out that a whole lot of concentration, balancing skills and talent is needed to do this kind of art. If you liked this post […]

The Creative Art Collection of Anti Smoking Campaigns

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

Over the past 40 years, smoking has declined by about half, thanks in part to anti-smoking media campaigns. But anti-tobacco messages and ads often face fierce opposition from the cigarette manufacturers who have worked vigorously to diminish their impact Anti-smoking ads began in the late 1960s when the FCC deemed cigarette smoking controversial and therefore […]

The strangest and odd looking internet cafes around the world

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Sometimes, internet cafes are as fascinating as the monuments or sculptures you see on your travels. Internet Cafes used to be just a place where you really can just browse the Internet and grab a nice cup of coffee, but competition being what it is, some Internet cafes are offering something more than a cup […]

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