Its all about hands!!!

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

Well its all about hands is a compilation of most interesting and creative hand art designs. To be honest some of them are really interesting!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

Vinyl Faces Art

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

I have already posted this kind of art earlier but i just cant stop looking at these masterpieces. People cover one part of their bodies with record sleeves which gives an illusion and just looks great. So check out vinyl faces art collection that you shouldnt miss!!! If you liked this post please buy me […]

Beautiful paintings of wild animals

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

Would you belive me if i told you that these photos arent actually photos or pictures but all these are beautiful paintings of wild animals. If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

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