The Rice Field Art

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

Wow this is really an masterpiece. Just check out this amazing rice field art!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

Cute Surprise on the balcony

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

Someone found something very cute on his balcony and lets check out what it was!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

Mooning of the amtrack train

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

Each year, people of Laguna Niguel expose their buttocks during the “Mooning of the Trains” event along a railroad track in Orange County, south of Los Angeles. The tradition began in 1979 when G.K Smith said that he buys  a drink to anyone that has guts to show his butt to the next train!!! If […]

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