Celebrities Without Make Up

Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Well we could talk all day how celebrities look without make up or so called makeup  but why talk if we can see the pictures how they really look without it. So i made a compilation of all those famous celebrities and how do they look without or with no make up. Hilary Duff Jennifer […]

Susan Boyle Final Performance

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

If you are a fan of Susan Boyle you should check out the Susan Boyle Final Performance which aired few hours or days ago and theres a huge buzz about it. Susan Boyle decided to sing “I Dreamed a Dream” again for the final performance She dreamed a dream and it almost came true.  Susan […]

The best of yahoo answers

Friday, May 29th, 2009

Ok some questions on yahoo answers are just hilarious but the answers are even more hilarious and funny. So here is a BEST OF YAHOO ANSWERS!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

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