Very cute plush microbes design

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Many people dont even realize how beautiful and cute microbes can be when they are expanded and made into a cute cuddly plush.Keep one of those at your desk and remeber how cute those things are even if you actually cant see them. If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee […]

The PirateBay Verdict

Friday, April 17th, 2009

We all are curious how the trial went and all people are searching for The Piratebay Verdict. Well it seems they were guilty and all were sentenced to 1 year in prison and have to pay  30 million kronor. So the piratebay verdict didnt go to well bah 1 year isnt a lot and also […]

I’m really thankful for

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

This is really inspiring make sure you show this  i’m really thankful for compilation to your friends!!! I AM THANKFUL: FOR THE MUM WHO SAYS IT’S HOT DOGS TONIGHT, BECAUSE SHE IS HOME WITH ME, AND NOT OUT WITH SOMEONE ELSE. FOR THE HUSBAND WHO IS ON THE SOFA BEING A COUCH POTATO, BECAUSE HE […]

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