Secret Talents of the stars

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

The new show called Secret talents of the stars with air tonight at 10pm. The show has much potential and lets just hope it will be interesting as they promise it will be. Seems that stars also have some other talents hehe. Some of the stars who will be participating include Jo Dee Messina, Joshua […]

Cordelia bad girls club

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

So lets check out Cordelia bad girls club Nikki Carlisle or so called Cordelia, stars in the Oxygen reality show named Bad Girls Club and has a past as a pornstar. You can see her biography, photos and videos below. Nikki Carlisle  age 22, comes from an area in Conneticut. On her biography for the […]

Poveglia Island

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Poveglia Island is a tiny island in Italy. This island has a very dark history. Poveglia island was used as a dumping ground for plague victims when black plague was spreading thru the Europe. Terrified of the black death (Plague) the officials of Venice tried to isolate anyone that had the black plague by sending […]

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