The 10 most weird restaurants in the world

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

We have alredy seen some very weird restaurants but these 10 restaraunts are really weird and freaky check them out!!! Cannibalistic Restaurant (Japan) Condom Restaurant (Thailand) Dark Restaurant (China) Robot Restaurant: Run by two identical couples (China) Medical Restaurant (Taipei) Military-Themed ‘Buns and Guns’ Restaurant (Lebanon) Restaurant in a Prison (Italy) Restaurant in the Sky […]

The best of 2008 events in a funny video

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

Here we have a best of 2008 events compilation in a funny video that you have to see!!! If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

Britney Spears good morning america 2008

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Britney Spears celebrated her 27th Birthday by performing songs from her Circus album on ABC TV breakfast show ‘Good Morning America’.Britney who featured on the UK hit show the X Factor over the weekend in the UK, was on screen again. Spears wowed the crowd with a circus-inspired theme for her performance. The pop princess […]

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