Thomas beatie pregnant man on oprah

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

The Pregnant man Thomas Beatie will appear on Oprah Winfrey’s TV show tomorrow. Transsexual Thomas Beatie 34 years old really just shocked the world when a picture was released showing his bearded face and growing belly. But Thomas Beatie used to be a woman and just changed the gender and didnt change his sexual organ. […]

Pregnant man

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

You probably alredy heard of a pregnant man It seems that everything is possible. I remember when i was making fun of that movie when Arnold was pregnant. Now this big joke became true. A pregnant man Back in the late 1990s, Matt rice got pregnant and had a baby with his male partner Patrick […]

Asymmetrical breasts and inverted areola

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

A girl from South Florida, USA, died last Saturday during an operation to correct her asymmetrical breasts and an inverted areola. Stephanie had asymmetrical breasts, a common condition, and an inverted areola. No medical intervention is really necessary for these conditions, procedures to correct them are often done for “self-esteem” reasons. She died at Delray […]

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