You are what you eat

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

Some guy decided to do a very interesting project.He made a picture of peoples fridges to see what kind of people eat what kind of food.The results were pretty interesting!!! Owner of Defunct Amusement Park | Alpine, TX | 1-Person Household | Former WW II Prisoner of War | 2007 Carpenter/Photographer | San Antonio, TX […]

The plastic world

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Now you can see in what kind of world we live in.Lots of stuff we throw away cant be recycled and also doesnt decompose. It seems if it will go like this we will all swim in the plastic and we can just call it the plastic world. If you liked this post please buy […]

The Best Moments In Life

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

We all remember a lot of beautiful moments we had in our lives so how many of these did you experience 1. Falling in love. 2. Laughing till your stomach hurts. 3. Enjoying a ride down the country side. 4. Listening to your favorite song while traveling. 5. Going to sleep listening to the rain […]

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