How to replace bad fat with healthy fat healthy fat options

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

 1. For recipes such as casseroles, quiches, and cream soups replace the cream with evaporated skim milk or soy milk. 2. Thicken soups with pureed potatoes, pureed white beans, or cornstarch to make it creamier. 3. Make a healthy salad dressing by mixing flax oil with balsamic vinegar, fresh garlic, and your favorite herbs. 4. […]

40 facts about sleep you probably never heard

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

40 FACTS ABOUT SLEEP YOU PROBABLY DIDN’T KNOW… (OR WERE TOO TIRED TO THINK ABOUT) -The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes during a rocking chair marathon. The record holder reported hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses. – It’s impossible to tell […]

The best place to hide your money

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Well if you really dont want to keep your money in the bank you will of course have it at home. That also means you really need to know where to properly hide your money and all valuable things. You know theres so insurance if someone steals money from you because you just cant prove […]

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