Here are the most strangest sights around the world.
I’ve never seen anything like it some are really creppy while some are just funny.
Mutations, Florence Hoffmann, Luxemburg
Black granite – Fransisco Leiro, Spain Le Dama de Santome
The victory, Donatas Joukauskas, Lithuania
Christ, Bjorn Norgaard, Denmark
In the darkness, Kaarina Kaikkonen, Finland
Rabbit, plaster and poliuretan, Tom Claassen, Netherlands
Victorian excavator, Wim Delvoye, Belgium
The drying chassis of gods, Raphael Vella, Malta
The enter, Monika Sosnovska, Poland
Red apes, Kristaps Gelzis, Latvia
Walk trough maze, Kirke Kangro, Estonia
The Gentle Giants return, Jurriaan van Hall, Netherlands
Mermaid, Ester Bruggink, Netherlands
The dreams cought, Katerina Vinokurova, Czech Republic
Mysterious aliens, Bruno Gironcoli, Austria
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on Tuesday, March 4th, 2008 at 11:24 am and is filed under Amazing, Art, Interesting, People.
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