So if you want to see some random amazing stuff check this post out!!!

This is a painting
A visual representation of how it feels when your leg falls asleep
One Earth day
Wave viewed from underwater
Bust made of Paper
The van Gogh is kicking in
How Mars would look if it still had Water
Optical illusion of cut-out and fold characters
Power Of Erosion
Camera-stabilizing technology used in spoon for Parkinson’s patients and Caveman Circus kicks ass!
Outdoor wind sculpture
Table held up by buckets resting on it
Andromeda’s actual size if it was brighter
Smoke bubble juggle
A light bulb on the climax of its existence
Standing above the clouds in the alps
Canoeing In A Crystal Clear Lake
3D Projections on Trees
Gaudi was a genius

If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst