Archive for the 'People' Category

Starbucks Free Coffee

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

You can get a Starbucks Free Coffee Today After Noon. Starbucks will offer free cups of its new taste, Pike Place Roast, starting at 11 a.m. Chicago time on Tuesday. The new starbucks coffee is named after the location of the company’s first store, In 2000 Starbucks also started a campaign promising that they will […]

20 Pictures that look photoshoped but arent

Monday, April 7th, 2008

All of the photos below are exactly as the shots were taken. Well yeah it’s hard to believe (and many won’t anyway) but they are untouched. This is done using a large mirror with a hole to put your head through. Then focus the camera on just the mirror. Simple, who doesn’t have a huge […]

Alona Bondarenko

Monday, April 7th, 2008

If you have been watching the basketball you sure have spoted the Beautiful K-Swiss Alona Bondarenko girl. The ad is called Keep It Pure and made more than hundreds if not thousands of men just stare at the screen and have pure thoughts hehe. Yea Right lol Here are some Alona Bondarenko photos or so […]

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