Archive for the 'People' Category

People in orders age from 1 to 100

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

In just few minutes you will see from age 1 to 100 different people banging drums People in Order’s Age is part of a series of short films that assembles the people of Britain in a given order. In just 3 minutes, we meet 100 different people who are arranged according to their age, starting […]

Forever stamp price going up

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Stamps are going up to 42¢, as is the forever stamp, which was billed as a hedge against future first-class rate increases when it was introduced last year. The 41¢ Forevers will still work after the rate hike. The price of the Forever stamp will go up at the same time, meaning those stamps can […]

Cheap affordable plastic surgery

Monday, February 11th, 2008

A new trend in plastic surgery is to have a surgery in foreign countries for a fraction of the cost. Costa Rica has became a very popular destination for plastic surgeries. Check the video below and see how some patiens are choosing surgery doctors over the internet If you liked this post please buy me […]

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