Archive for the 'Music' Category

20 most amazing and funny looking guitar designs

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

I love to play guitars and i love some amazing unique looking guitars also. Here we have top 20 most amazing funny looking guitar designs. If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

Susan Boyle Final Performance

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

If you are a fan of Susan Boyle you should check out the Susan Boyle Final Performance which aired few hours or days ago and theres a huge buzz about it. Susan Boyle decided to sing “I Dreamed a Dream” again for the final performance She dreamed a dream and it almost came true.  Susan […]

Very cool and unique speaker designs

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Wow now these speaker designs look great. They are kinda geeky looking well not all of them but still they look very unique and great!!! I wonder how do those designs affect the sound quality If you liked this post please buy me a cup of coffee to quench my thirst

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