How to play world of warcraft online for free

Ok now that you have seen the title you probably said to yourself “its bullshit” and guess what it isnt.

You can too play world of warcraft online for FREE yep you heard it for FREE.

In the next steps i’ll explain how to do it.

1.Borrow a game from a friend or if you already have just put it in

2.Install the game and patch it to the latest patch.

3.Now here comes the tricky part.. if you want to play World of warcraft for free you will have to play the game on private servers. Create the account (It’s free to create an account) and follow the on site instructions.

Here’s a list of best 3 private world of warcraft servers:

This is just the best list out there but you can also find other server on

All further instructions are on those private server wow sites.

Have fun and enjoy

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15 Responses to “How to play world of warcraft online for free”

  1. walley Says:

    awesome! play this some weeks before u start paying for the real Wow, u will learn alot ! thx to Kitar who did this guide 🙂

  2. play warcraft online Says:

    […] said to yourself its bullshit and guess what it isnt. You can too play world of warcraft … of Warcraft – Online GameWorld of warcraft online game … Get the latest game cheats, game […]

  3. Kim- Dress Up Games Says:

    Many thanks for this guide.

  4. Online Gaming Professionals Says:

    Thanks for the tip! I never really got into the warcraft scene I’m more of a quake/deathmatch guy.

  5. Warcraft Leveling Guide Says:

    Nice guide thanks. I’ve been trying to do this for the Wrath of the Lich King but can’t find the game download 🙁

  6. Warhammer Leveling Guide Says:

    good for training before you jump into most popular servers

  7. psynoobs Says:

    u make a good job but 1 ask: how do i get a invitation for play alpha wow if i dont know anybody there…you can make that invitation for me??? ty a lot..

  8. u suck Says:

    get a life you bunch of geeks

  9. Realgon-Warcraft Leveling Guides Says:

    Really, really nice tip. I wish I would have known about this when I first started. Thanks for the information. I think I’ll pass this on to some friends of mine who want to get started playing WoW.

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  11. Warcraft Gold Guide Says:

    Ok, could have been better

  12. Luciano Sablock Says:

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  14. aliasgar Says:

    please i want to play i for free

  15. Jack World of Warcraft Guide Elite Says:

    It’s true, World of Warcraft is free for a while. I know that I would not have started playing WoW for some time if it did not give me an introduction onto what is it about. I am a Druid. That was my first character.

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